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    Review: ‘The Hateful Eight’ isn’t Tarantino’s best, but it’s still lots of bloody fun

    Review: ‘The Hateful Eight’ isn’t Tarantino’s best, but it’s still lots of bloody fun

    By MARK VIOLA I’ve been reviewing movies for more than nine years now, so I have to be more careful about repeating myself with these little introductions. And that’s extra…

    911 caller witnessed suspect dragging victim into the woods

    While the State Attorney’s pre-trial detention complaint outlines the series of events that led to the death of Melissa Darnell in broad strokes, the probable cause affidavit filed by the…

    Review: ‘The Big Short’ turns the housing market collapse into a fun movie

    Review: ‘The Big Short’ turns the housing market collapse into a fun movie

    By MARK VIOLA In 2011, I saw “Moneyball,” a film written by Aaron Sorkin (“The Social Network”) and starring Brad Pitt, which managed to take a seemingly boring subject–baseball analytics–and…

    2-month-old baby at center of conflict

    2-month-old baby at center of conflict

    Hands locked behind his back, accused murderer Billy Gear kept his head down and his expression blank during a first appearance hearing before Judge Bill Blue Thursday morning. The 36-year-old…

    Review: ‘The Danish Girl’ tells powerful story with two wonderful performances

    Review: ‘The Danish Girl’ tells powerful story with two wonderful performances

    By MARK VIOLA Although he has been acting for some time, it would still be accurate to say Eddie Redmayne burst onto the cinematic landscape last year with his transformative…

    State Attorney makes case for expanded office space

    State Attorney makes case for expanded office space

    Just weeks after the Taylor County Commission agreed to hire a consultant to look at the existing courthouse space needs to help determine the best long term options for expansion…

    PPD has two sexual assault kits awaiting FDLE analysis

    The Perry Police Department (PPD) has a total of 10 sexual assault kits that have not been submitted to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) for processing; however, of…

    BioNitrogen fights with bank over $650,000

    BioNitrogen Holdings Corp., which is in the middle of bankruptcy proceedings, has filed a complaint against Community & Southern Bank over $650,000 it says it paid down on a $5…

    Annual commemorative program planned Jan. 17

    Organizers invite the community to join them “in commemorating the life and vision of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.” during a special program planned Sunday, Jan. 17, at Antioch Missionary…

    SAC meetings at middle school

    Taylor County Middle School will have a School Advisory Council (SAC) meeting Friday, Jan. 22, at 8:15 a.m. in the school library. The meeting is open to the public.…