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    Review: ‘Zootopia’ brings the jungle to the city in fun and heart-filled movie

    Posted on March 11, 2016

    2016-03-11-Zootopia-movie-posterBy MARK VIOLA

    A common question is, “What would the world be like if there were no humans?” Disney’s latest animated film, “Zootopia,” takes that question one step further. “What would the world be like if there were no humans and animals, instead, evolved into a civilized society of their own?” The movie’s answer? Well, animals would end up pretty much like us, both for good and ill.

    When I was looking ahead at 2016 and its slate of movies, “Zootopia” was on the list, but while the trailers looked quite funny as the writers were seemingly mining the comedy potential of an animal society for all it was worth, I was still nervous to see if the movie would be up to Disney’s recent standard.

    Fortunately, “Zootopia” is everything I was hoping it would be and more. In addition to being quite funny, the film creates a wonderfully realized world which, from the first moments, feels lived-in and expansive, so as we meet and follow our characters, they always seem a part of a much larger whole. I really have no complaints about this movie, from the animation, voice acting, story decisions, characters and the underlying messages.

    I saw this in a packed theater filled with kids and I can say with strong certainty that children will love this (along with just about everyone else). There are a few scary moments that produced a scream or two, but when Shakira’s song “Try Everything” began playing over the end credits, about a half dozen kids were in the aisles dancing along.

    One could take a step back and say that if you stripped away everything to the core story, you’re left with a buddy cop movie and some rather overt messages about inclusion and fighting for your dreams. But doing so would miss the entire point of this movie as well as just how inventive, thoughtful and engaging the story is.
    Speaking of the messages, they are rather overt, but instead of coming off as preachy, they instead feel integral to the story being told, because they are.

    “Zootopia” is a lot of fun and should entertain the entire family. Looking ahead, this one will definitely be in the conversation of the top animated films of the year, and for now, it’s one of the best overall films I’ve seen from 2016.

    “Zootopia” is rated PG for some thematic elements, rude humor and action.

    (This is a abbreviated version of the full review available in our printed or e-edition papers.)


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