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    ‘A Simple Favor’ trips right at the end

    Posted on September 21, 2018


    Director Paul Feig is known for comedies, including “Bridesmaids,” “Ghostbusters” and “The Heat.” For his latest film, however, he decided to jump into the mystery thriller genre with “A Simple Favor,” based on the book of the same name by Darcey Bell.

    The film benefits from a slick direction along with two quality performances from Anna Kendrick (“Pitch Perfect”) and Blake Lively (“The Shallows”). And, for 112 minutes of its 117-minute runtime, the movie delivers a quality mystery that will keep you guessing while you laugh along with healthy dose of comic relief.

    Unfortunately, in the final five minutes (no spoilers!), it seems like Feig forgot that he wasn’t making a straight-up comedy and fell back into his traditional ways.

    It’s as if the film is blowing up a balloon the entire time, with the audience becoming more and more nervous about how and when it will explode. And then, just as we’re on the edge of seats, it instead lets the balloon go, sending it flying around the room making rude noises.

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