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    New cancer support group announces meeting change

    Posted on October 3, 2018

    Courage and Fellowship Through Cancer (CFTC), a support group for cancer patients and caregivers, has announced a change in its meeting schedule.

    “In order to accommodate our friends who either have jobs, or who need to attend treatments during the week, our meeting will be held every second and fourth Sunday from 2-3:30 p.m.,” Founder Dianna “Mama” Sandonato said.

    The October meetings will be held Sunday, Oct. 14, and Sunday, Oct. 28.
    “We encourage all cancer patients and their caregivers to attend these informative and uplifting times of fellowship.”

    The meetings will be held at First Presbyterian Church, located at 310 Plantation Rd.

    Patients and caregivers are also invited to call the CFTC helpline at (850) 371-5152.