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    Register for coastal course

    Posted on July 22, 2022

    Registration is underway for a Florida Master Naturalist Coastal Systems Course planned Aug. 9-25 in Taylor County.

    Online registration will close at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 3.

    In-person classes will be held in Perry, and field sites will be based in Taylor and Levy counties.

    Classroom learning will include four instructional videos and 12 presentations.

    Participants will also learn through hands-on field trips, a course manual and practical experiences.

    The course topics will include: ecology, habitats, vegetation types, wildlife and conservation issues of the coastal systems in Florida — upland, estuarine and nearshore marine environments.

    The program will also address society’s role in coastal areas, environmental ethics and developing naturalist interpretation skills.

    The training will consist of 40 program hours.

    “The only requirements of students are enthusiasm, attendance and completion of group final projects,” Lead Instructor Victor Blanco said.

    For more information and registration information, please call Blanco at (850) 838-3508 or e-mail victorblancomar@ufl.edu.