
Recent Comments


    Legals 9-14-22

    Posted on September 14, 2022

    TDA 22-029
    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that IDE TECHNOLOGIES, INC the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number, year of issuance, description of the property and the names in which the property was assessed are as follows:
    Certificate Number 285
    Year of Issuance 2020
    Description of Property:
    Parcel Number R02657-100
    Section 14 Township 04 Range 07. Commence at the Southwest corner of the Northwest ¼ of the Northwest 1/4 of section 13-4-7 then run East 327.09 feet to West right of way of Hwy 55 then run North 16 degrees West 552.97 feet then run West 245.65 feet for a point of beginning then run North 180.95 feet then run West 154.26 feet then run South 189.02 feet then run East 154.26 to a point of beginning together with easements. Taylor County Official Record Book 288, Page 118. Containing .66 acres, more or less.
    Name in which assessed: Craig Russell.
    Said property being in the County of Taylor, State of Florida. Unless such certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described shall be sold to the highest bidder at the courthouse door on the 10th day of October, 2022 at 11:00 a.m.
    Dated this 7th day of September, 2022.
    Gary Knowles
    Clerk of Circuit Court
    Taylor County, Florida.

    TDA 22-030
    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that TLGFY, LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number, year of issuance, description of the property and the names in which the property was assessed are as follows:
    Certificate Number 1039
    Year of Issuance 2020
    Description of Property:
    Parcel Number R06660-000
    Section 25 Township 07 Range 07. Commence at the Southwest corner of the Northeast ¼ of the Southwest ¼ then run East 630 feet then run North 105 feet then run West 420 feet then run North 105 feet then run West 210 then run South 210 feet to a point of beginning. Less ½ interest in Oil Gas and Mineral rights. Taylor County Official Record Book 344, Page 132. Containing 2.02 acres, more or less.
    Name in which assessed: Donna Kay White
    Said property being in the County of Taylor, State of Florida. Unless such certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described shall be sold to the highest bidder at the courthouse door on the 10th day of October, 2022 at 11:00 a.m.
    Dated this 7th day of September, 2022.
    Gary Knowles
    Clerk of Circuit Court
    Taylor County, Florida

    TDA 22-031
    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that IDE Technologies, INC. the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number, year of issuance, description of the property and the names in which the property was assessed are as follows:
    Certificate Number 422
    Year of Issuance 2020
    Description of Property:
    Parcel Number: R03638-000
    Described as: Section 24 Township 04 Range 07. W.L. Weaver Subdivision, re-sub of Part Block 62 J.C. Curls Addition. Lots 12. Containing 0.11 acres, more or less. Taylor County Official Record Book 135 Page 1.
    Name in which assessed: Mattie Brewington c/o Floyd Brewington
    Said property being in the County of Taylor, State of Florida. Unless such certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described shall be sold to the highest bidder at the courthouse door on the 10th day of October, 2022 at 11:00 a.m.
    Dated this 7th day of September, 2022.
    Gary Knowles
    Clerk of Circuit Court
    Taylor County, Florida

    TDA 22-032
    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that IDE Technologies, INC. the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number, year of issuance, description of the property and the names in which the property was assessed are as follows:
    Certificate Number 423
    Year of Issuance 2020
    Description of Property:
    Parcel Number R03642-000
    Described as: Section 24 Township 04 Range 07. W.L. Weaver Subdivision, re-sub of Part Block 62 J.C. Curls Addition. Lots 17 Block 62. Containing 0.11 acres, more or less. Taylor County Official Record Book 219 Page 327.
    Name in which assessed: Mattie Brewington c/o Floyd Brewington
    Said property being in the County of Taylor, State of Florida. Unless such certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described shall be sold to the highest bidder at the courthouse door on the 10th day of October, 2022 at 11:00 a.m.
    Dated this 7th day of September, 2022.
    Signature: Gary Knowles
    Clerk of Circuit Court
    Taylor County, Florida

    TDA 22-033
    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that IDE Technologies, INC. the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number, year of issuance, description of the property and the names in which the property was assessed are as follows:
    Certificate Number 461
    Year of Issuance 2020
    Description of Property:
    Parcel Number: R04070-000
    Described as:
    Section 24 Township 04 Range 07. Blair-Hinely Addition lot 12 Block 2. Containing 0.14 acres, more or less.
    Name in which assessed: Florence Coach Estate & Amie & Jo Ann & Mildred
    Said property being in the County of Taylor, State of Florida. Unless such certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described shall be sold to the highest bidder at the courthouse door on the 10th day of October, 2022 at 11:00 a.m.
    Dated this 7th day of September, 2022.
    Gary Knowles
    Clerk of Circuit Court
    Taylor County, Florida

    Notice is hereby given:
    Last known address of:
    5260 U S 19 S Lot 28
    Perry, Florida 32348
    You are hereby notified that your eligibility to vote is in question. You are required to contact the Supervisor of Elections, in Perry, Florida, no later than thirty (30) days after the date of this publishing. Failure to respond will result in a determination of ineligibility by the Supervisor and your name will be removed from the statewide voter registration system.
    Published one time in the Perry Newspaper.
    Dana Southerland
    Taylor County Supervisor of Elections
    P O Box 1060
    Perry, Florida 32348

    Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, the following application for permit was received on September 8, 2022:
    Foley Cellulose LLC, One Buckeye Dr, Perry, FL 32348 has submitted Water Use Permit application number 216414-5 for renewal authorizing a maximum average daily use of 40.5 million gallons of groundwater for industrial use. This proposed project is located in Sections 33, 34, Township 4S, Range 9E; Sections 24, 25 and 36, Township 5S, Range 5E; Sections 18, 19, 30, 31, Township 5S, Range 6E; Sections 1-17, 24, Township 5S, Range 8E; Sections 2-28, Township 5S, Range 9E; and Section 1, Township 6S, Range 5E, in Taylor County.
    Interested persons may comment upon the application or submit a written request for a staff report containing proposed agency action regarding the application by writing to the Suwannee River Water Management District, Attn: Resource Management, 9225 C.R. 49, Live Oak, Florida 32060. Such comments or requests must be received by 5:00 PM within 14 days from the date of publication.
    No further public notice will be provided regarding this application. A copy of the staff report must be requested in order to remain advised of further proceedings. Substantially affected persons are entitled to request an administrative hearing, pursuant to Title 28, Florida Administrative Code, regarding the proposed agency action by submitting a written request after reviewing the staff report.