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    Duke Energy giving away 1,200 free trees

    Posted on January 20, 2023

    In honor of Florida Arbor Day, Duke Energy Florida is collaborating with the Arbor Day Foundation’s Energy-Saving Trees program to give away 1,200 free trees.

    Starting on Florida Arbor Day, this Friday, Jan. 20, Duke Energy customers can request a free tree online at arborday.org/ dukeenergy, until all trees are distributed.

    The one-gallon trees are shipped directly to customers’ homes with planting and care instructions.

    They are expected to be delivered in time for National Arbor Day, which will be celebrated on April 28. Available tree species include the dahoon holly, sweetbay magnolia, baldcypress, crape myrtle (pink) and crape myrtle (red).

    For information about planning and planting vegetation around electrical facilities, please visit Duke Energy’s “Right Tree Right Place” website.