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    BBQ lunches benefit SkillsUSA

    Posted on March 10, 2023

    Big Bend Technical College (BBTC) SkillsUSA members are selling tickets for BBQ chicken lunches, donated and cooked by Sheriff Wayne Padgett.

    Tickets are $10, and lunches will include chicken, baked beans, potato salad, dessert and a bottle of water.

    Lunches will be served Friday, March 24, from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at BBTC.

    Take-out or eat-in options are available.

    “We will deliver to locations purchasing five or more lunches. Please call (850) 838-2545 or email your order to terri.clover@taylor.k12.fl.us or heath.pridgeon@taylor.k12.fl.us,” BBTC Director Jodi Tillman said.

    Proceeds will be used to send 18 BBTC SkillsUSA members who are regional contest winners to compete at the State SkillsUSA competition in April.