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    Review: ‘Her’ is a unique romance with one of the most original stories in years

    Posted on January 17, 2014

    2014-01-17-Her-movie-poster“Her,” which is one of the most unique romances I’ve seen and one of the most original screenplays in years. In an age where we complain about sequels and reboots and rehashes, “Her” is entirely its own, brought to life by director Spike Jonze with a wonderful connection to its characters and a not-so-subtle commentary on where we are heading with our technology and our own relationships with others.

    “Her” is beautiful, both in story and visually, and is one of the best films of 2013.

    “Her” is original, powerful and filmed in a way that is both beautiful and frighteningly familiar. I’m sure not everyone is looking for a story about a man who falls in love with his computer, but for those willing to give it a chance, I think you will be surprised.

    The film is rated R for language, sexual content and brief graphic nudity.

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