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    Rain barrel, compost workshops planned this Sept. 14

    Posted on September 13, 2024

    Taylor County Extension will hold back-to-back compost and rain barrel workshops this Saturday, Sept. 14, starting at 9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., respectively.

    The workshops will be held at Forest Capital Hall, located at 203 Forest Park Drive.

    Participants will learn how to collect rainwater for use in ornamental plant irrigation while reducing erosion and stormwater runoff.

    Rain barrels will be available for purchase after attending the workshop.

    At the compost workshop, participants will learn how to put their everyday food waste and organic materials to work for them. Compost thermometers will be available for purchase after attending the workshop.

    Pre-registration is available online at Eventbrite; pre-registration is $8 per class or $12 for both. Walk-ins are also welcome the day of the workshops. The cost will be $10 per class or $12 for both.

    For more information, please contact the extension office at 850-838-3508.