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    Review: ‘The Hundred-Foot Journey’: a delicious trip worth taking

    Posted on September 12, 2014

    2014-09-12-The-Hundred-Foot-Jouney-movie-posterBy MARK VIOLA

    “The Hundred-Foot Journey” is the second food-related film I’ve seen this summer after the excellent “Chef,” and while this one doesn’t quite reach that level, there is plenty of good flavor to be found here.

    Essentially, it is a story of finding one’s place in the world told on several levels, with drama, romance and plenty of delicious food thrown into the mix. Like “Chef,” this is one movie which will leave you terribly hungry, no matter how much popcorn you munch on. There is a sweet sentimentality to the film and even when ugly things happen (which isn’t often), the story doesn’t dwell on them, allowing this to be a refreshing respite from the somewhat darker fare we find in theaters this time of year. I left the theater with a smile (and a rumbling belly), and I’m betting you will too.

    “The One-Hundred Foot Journey” is well worth the trip, even if you have to drive a bit further than 100 feet to see it.

    The film is rated PG for thematic elements, some violence, language and brief sensuality.

    (This is a shortened version of the full review available in our printed or e-edition papers.)

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