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    Ponce de Leon arrived 500 years ago; 4-H’ers mark anniversary visiting Capitol

    Posted on April 3, 2013

    04-03-13 4H Legislative Day

    Twenty-two 4-H’ers from Taylor County were among more than 750 youth–dressed in green—who experienced 4-H day at the Florida Capitol.

    With this year marking the 500th year celebration of Ponce de Leon’s arrival on Florida’s east coast, youth learned about “Florida Agriculture: 500 Years in the Making.” The local 4-H’ers also had the opportunity to meet their representative, Halsey Beshears.

    PHOTO: Rep. Halsey Beshears welcomed Taylor County’s 22 4-H’ers to the State Capitol. About the event, 4H Extension Agent Abbey Tharpe commented, “4-H Day at the Capitol is an educational event that provides hands-on ‘learn by doing’ experiences for youth. 4-H youth learn about the legislative and government processes and Florida’s significant ‘firsts’ in the foundation of the United States as they participated in workshops, tours and observation of our government at work. These experiences provide youth the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills to become more informed citizens.”