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    104 birthday candles for Snell Saturday

    Posted on April 10, 2013

    04-10-13 Alfhild Snell turned 104

    Tooling down the highway in her 1972 Plymouth Scamp, Alfhild Snell has both hands on the wheel and her attention directed on the road ahead.

    The classic car is a showstopper in its own right—the design is straightforward and the engine designed for durability…much like Snell herself.

    Perhaps its her Norwegian roots tempered with a no-nonsense upbringing in North Dakota or simply the wealth of knowledge gained from more than a century of living, but straightforward and durability are words that ring true when Snell comes to mind.

    On Saturday, the ever-busy Snell will celebrate her 104th birthday and she’ll be doing it with a little help from friends at one of her favorite stores.

    PHOTO: Alfhild Snell, who turns 104 Saturday, with her pride and joy–a 1972 Plymouth she bought new.

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