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    Review: ‘Carol’ is a powerful romance with two of last year’s best performances

    Review: ‘Carol’ is a powerful romance with two of last year’s best performances

    By MARK VIOLA I know we’re quite a ways into 2016, but I still have some unfinished business when it comes to 2015, thanks mostly to the fact that a…

    Review: Wonderful ‘When Marnie Was Here’ may be Studio Ghibli’s final movie

    Review: Wonderful ‘When Marnie Was Here’ may be Studio Ghibli’s final movie

    By MARK VIOLA I’ve never made it a secret that Japanese animator Hayao Miyazaki is one of my favorite directors of all time, having been responsible for such movies as…

    Review: DiCaprio gives the performance of his career in brutal, powerful ‘Revenant’

    Review: DiCaprio gives the performance of his career in brutal, powerful ‘Revenant’

    By MARK VIOLA According to Webster, revenant is defined as  “one who returns to a former place after a prolonged absence.” An alternative definition reads “the ghost of a dead…

    Review: ‘The Hateful Eight’ isn’t Tarantino’s best, but it’s still lots of bloody fun

    Review: ‘The Hateful Eight’ isn’t Tarantino’s best, but it’s still lots of bloody fun

    By MARK VIOLA I’ve been reviewing movies for more than nine years now, so I have to be more careful about repeating myself with these little introductions. And that’s extra…

    Review: ‘The Big Short’ turns the housing market collapse into a fun movie

    Review: ‘The Big Short’ turns the housing market collapse into a fun movie

    By MARK VIOLA In 2011, I saw “Moneyball,” a film written by Aaron Sorkin (“The Social Network”) and starring Brad Pitt, which managed to take a seemingly boring subject–baseball analytics–and…

    Review: ‘The Danish Girl’ tells powerful story with two wonderful performances

    Review: ‘The Danish Girl’ tells powerful story with two wonderful performances

    By MARK VIOLA Although he has been acting for some time, it would still be accurate to say Eddie Redmayne burst onto the cinematic landscape last year with his transformative…

    Review: ‘Joy’ has great performances, a mostly interesting story, but little actual joy

    Review: ‘Joy’ has great performances, a mostly interesting story, but little actual joy

    By MARK VIOLA Some directors and actors are well known for working together. You have Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks, Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio, Quentin Tarantino and Samuel L.…

    Review: Will ‘Concussion’ change the way you look at football? Probably not

    Review: Will ‘Concussion’ change the way you look at football? Probably not

    By MARK VIOLA As far back as I can remember, my sport of choice to watch has always been football. That’s American football, not soccer (the only organized sport I…

    Tallahassee Symphony Orchestra brings ‘Devotion & Dance’ Jan. 9

    The Tallahassee Symphony Orchestra kicks off the new year with a program full of sentimentality and jubilation on Saturday, Jan. 9. “Devotion and Dance” will open with Luigi Boccherini’s homage…

    Review: It’s not perfect, but ‘The Force Awakens’ is the ‘Star Wars’ we’ve been looking for

    Review: It’s not perfect, but ‘The Force Awakens’ is the ‘Star Wars’ we’ve been looking for

    By MARK VIOLA So it’s finally here, the most anticipated movie of 2015: “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.” Fans of the venerable science fiction franchise have been waiting with bated…