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    Review: ‘Carol’ is a powerful romance with two of last year’s best performances

    Posted on January 22, 2016

    2016-01-22-Carol-movie-posterBy MARK VIOLA

    I know we’re quite a ways into 2016, but I still have some unfinished business when it comes to 2015, thanks mostly to the fact that a number of movies from last year are only now getting to our area. One such film is “Carol,” a romance based on Patricia Highsmith’s 1952 novel “The Price of Salt,” about a young shop girl who falls for an older, upper-class woman trapped in a disintegrating marriage.

    I’ve been intrigued about “Carol,” directed by Todd Haynes (“I’m Not Here”), for awhile now thanks to the movie getting a lot of pre-Oscar buzz going into the end of 2015, although while the film did earn six Academy Award nominations, its trajectory has waned of late and it wasn’t recognized in the Best Picture or Best Director categories. Of course, awards don’t make a good film, but I mention it because one of things I had heard most about this one was the cinematography of Edward Lachman. In a year of some spectacular camera work, he has been winning his share of awards and after seeing the film, I can see why.

    But back to “Carol” as a whole for now. If you are a frequent reader of my reviews, you’ve probably noticed that I don’t go see many romances. It’s actually not because I don’t like them, but more so that I rarely find them believable. Here, however, thanks to two excellent performances from Cate Blanchett (“Cinderella”) and Rooney Mara (“The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”) as well as excellent cinematography and direction, I believed every minute of this movie. It really is a wonderful film that tells a compelling story about discovering just what it is to love.

    “Carol” is a powerful romantic tale in which one chance encounter changed two lives forever.

    The film is rated R for a scene of sexuality/nudity and brief language.

    (This is a abbreviated version of the full review available in our printed or e-edition papers.)

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