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    Surprise Deal: Jury’s ‘guilty’ verdict vacated

    Posted on March 23, 2018


    After a six-person jury reached a unanimous verdict Wednesday — finding Oriana Forsythe “guilty” of first-degree premeditated murder in the death of Steinhatchee resident Aaron Tappe – the prosecution shocked many in attendance at Thursday’s 10 a.m. sentencing by announcing a plea agreement had been reached.

    Forsythe was allowed to enter an “open plea deal” to vacate the “guilty” verdict of the jury. In doing so, the 19-year-old plead “no contest” and neither admitted nor deny guilt. The plea deal waived Forsythe’s right to an appeal for any and all matters – except in the case she felt her representation was inadequate. Forsythe also retained the right to appeal the sentencing.

    PHOTO: Sullen teen? Abuse victim? Cold-blooded killer? Those were the many faces of Oriana Forsythe painted by witnesses and attorneys during the two-day jury trial. After prosecutors once again offered a plea deal, the 19-year-old sat alone at the defense table, faced with a choice of accepting the jury’s “guilty” verdict or placing her fate in the hands of Judge Greg Parker by accepting a deal that could lessen her sentence.

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