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    ‘Soggy Bottoms & Sandy Shores’

    Posted on May 4, 2018

    The Taylor County Historical Society is diving deep into the county’s past for its 2018 banquet celebration – 14,000 years deep to be precise.

    Florida State University (FSU) anthropologist Dr. Jessi Halligan, who discovered clues in the Aucilla River that humans occupied the southeastern United States 1,500 years earlier than previously thought, will be the keynote speaker for the Saturday, May 19, event.

    PHOTO: FSU anthropologist Dr. Jessi Halligan (left), shown holding a partially reconstructed mastodon bone, will be the guest speaker at the Taylor County Historical Society’s annual banquet planned Saturday, May 19. Tickets are available at Rain’s Forest Flower shop and Perry Newspapers, Inc. (Photo: Center for the Study of the First Americans)

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