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    ‘Infinity War’ packs an amazing payoff 18 movies in the making

    Posted on May 4, 2018


    With now 19 movies in just 10 years, the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is the king of the box office, and for fans of the movies, a constant source of entertaining films. Some are more stand-alone than others, but each movie — and more importantly, the mid- and post-credit scenes after each — have been building toward something… something really big.

    It all began with the mid-credits sequence in 2012’s “The Avengers,” which gave us our first glimpse at the galactic destroyer Thanos. Although he sent Loki (Tom Hiddleston) to Earth to conquer it, we knew nothing at the time of his motives. Then, after “Thor: Dark World,” we learned of the Infinity Stones, powerful artifacts that were further explained in “Guardians of the Galaxy.” During the same movie, we also learned that Thanos is trying to collect them, a feat that would give him ultimate power — and that’s in a universe that already has super soldiers, magic users and gods.

    Now, after 18 movies, we have “Avengers: Infinity War,” and Thanos is finally ready to take charge, collect the Infinity Stones and put his ultimate plan into motion, wiping out half of the universe’s population to bring balance and save life from itself. The only ones standing in his way? Just 18 movies’ worth of superheroes, who will have to come together and save the day — or at least die trying.

    There’s never been a movie that has had so much setup, so many characters and so much expectation, at least not in the MCU. Fortunately, directors Anthony and Joe Russo (“Captain America: Winter Solider,” “Captain America: Civil War”) deliver an amazing movie that somehow finds time during its meaty 149-minute runtime to not only give each of the various heroes at least a moment or two to shine, but also develop the franchise’s best villain to date. With so much build-up, Thanos (voiced by Josh Brolin) couldn’t just be a big purple brute, and he is not. In many ways, “Infinity War” is Thanos’ movie and the Avengers are just there trying to stop him.

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