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    Legal Notices for Oct. 17, 2018

    Posted on October 17, 2018

    NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO ESTABLISH A BRANCH Citizens State Bank, a Florida banking corporation, with a principal office located at 2000 South Byron Butler Parkway, Perry, Florida 32348 has applied to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for permission to open a branch at 2810 Northwest 43rd St., Gainesville, Fl. 32606. Any person wishing to comment on this application may file his or her comments in writing with the regional director of the FDIC at the FDIC-Atlanta Regional Office located at 10 Tenth Street, NE, Suite 800, Atlanta, GA 30309-3906, not later than October 31, 2018. The nonconfidential portions of the application are on file at the appropriate FDIC office and are available for public inspection during regular business hours. Photocopies of the nonconfidential portion of the application file will be made available upon request.

    Notice is hereby given:
    Leetavis Simmons
    Last known address of:
    153 Oscar Benjamin Way
    Perry, Florida 32348
    You are hereby notified that your eligibility to vote is in question. You are required to contact the Supervisor of Elections, in Perry, Florida, no later than thirty (30) days after the date of this publishing. Failure to respond will result in a determination of ineligibility by the Supervisor and your name will be removed from the statewide voter registration system.
    Published one time in the Perry Newspaper
    Dana Southerland
    Taylor County Supervisor of Elections
    P O Box 1060
    Perry, Florida 32348

    Notice is hereby given:
    Last known address of:
    1108 E Ash St
    Perry, Florida 32347
    You are hereby notified that your eligibility to vote is in question. You are required to contact the Supervisor of Elections, in Perry, Florida, no later than thirty (30) days after the date of this publishing. Failure to respond will result in a determination of ineligibility by the Supervisor and your name will be removed from the statewide voter registration system.
    Published one time in the Perry Newspaper
    Dana Southerland
    Taylor County Supervisor of Elections
    P O Box 1060
    Perry, Florida 32348

    Taylor County Request For Proposals (RFP)
    Professional Services for Planning Technical Assistance
    Pedestrian and Bicycle Mobility Master Plan
    Taylor County requests proposals from individuals or firms to provide planning technical assistance for the development of a pedestrian and bicycle mobility Master Plan. The County anticipates receiving a Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (FDEO) Community Planning Technical Assistance Grant to fund the Master Plan Project. The Master Plan will focus on multi-modal mobility facilities including pedestrian and bicycle trails in Taylor County which can stand alone on their own merits but also offer connections to the Florida National Scenic Trail, the Florida Sun Trail, and other significant trails and mobility systems region and nationwide. The Master Plan will also include specific planning to ensure the coastal community of Steinhatchee reaches the goal of being a Florida designated “Trail Town”. The Master Plan will be incorporated into the County’s Comprehensive Plan for the future planning of land-use, recreation, conservation, and transportation planning. An important element of the Master Plan will be addressing physical logistics of the pedestrian and bicycle mobility facilities including the impact on any environmentally sensitive areas, potential landscape management issues, the types of surfaces of the mobility systems (hard or soft surface), maintenance of the systems-both short terms and long term, and any potential liability issues.
    In compliance with the Florida Sunshine Amendment and Code of Ethics, Taylor County enforces open and fair competition in its RFP’s. Taylor County strictly enforces following procurement procedures as per federal and state procurement guidelines, the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity and the Community Planning Act guidelines, Professional services procurement, Rule 73C-23.0051 (3)(6), Florida Administrative Code, and Section 287.055 Florida Statutes (Consultants Competitive Negotiation Act), and local procurement and employee and elected officials ethics policies as approved by Taylor County Board of Commissioners. The County also enforces open and fair competition. The selection process shall be open to the public and records maintained in compliance with the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (FDEO) grant requirements and the Florida Sunshine Amendment. In accordance with Section 287.133, FS, a person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following conviction for a public entity. A public entity crimes statement is required.
    The County reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to reject any or all RFP’s, to cancel or withdraw this solicitation at any time and waive any irregularities if the RFP process. The County reserves the right to award any contract to the respondent which it deems to offer the best overall service; therefore, the County is not bound to award any contract(s) based on the lowest quoted price. The County, in its sole and absolute discretion, also reserves the right to waive any minor defects in the process and to accept the proposal deemed to be in the County’s best interest. A contract will only be awarded if the County is awarded a Community Planning Technical Assistance Grant by the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (FDEO).
    One (1) original and four (4) copies of sealed proposals, marked “PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR PLANNING TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE” must be received by 4:00 P.M. local time on Friday, November 16, 2018. All RFP’s must be sealed and clearly marked with the respondent’s name and address on the outside of the envelope or package when submitted. Unmarked envelopes will be rejected and will not be opened. No faxed RFP’s will be accepted. Hand delivery and all other forms of delivery services will only be received at:
    Annie Mae Murphy
    Clerk of the Court
    108 North Jefferson Street, Suite 102
    Perry, Florida 32347
    A Public Opening of the RFP’s is scheduled for Monday, November 19, 2018 at 9:00 A.M. local time or as soon as feasible thereafter at 201 E. Green Street, Perry, Florida 32347. The RFP’s will be opened during a regularly scheduled Board of Commissioners meeting at the discretion of the Board. The Board may require presentations by those submitting RFP’s at a later date at a regularly scheduled Board of Commissioners meeting. Presenters will be given a minimum of ten (10) working days for notice of the presentation date.
    It is the responsibility of each responder to examine this RFP carefully and to judge all of the circumstances and conditions which may affect its response to ensure that their response clearly and directly responds to each of the requirements listed. Any data furnished by the County is for informational purposed only. Responses submitted early by responders may be withdrawn or modified prior to the response deadline. Such requests must be in writing. Modifications received after the response deadline may or may not be considered.
    Taylor County supports Equal Opportunity Employment, Fair Housing, Drug Free Workplace and Providing Handicapped Accessibility.