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    ‘Eurovision Song Contest’ delivers laughs and music

    Posted on July 3, 2020


    I have to admit, I’ve never been a huge fan of Will Ferrell’s movies. I think he is a very talented actor and is much better than most give him credit for. If you don’t believe me, go watch 2006’s “Stranger than Fiction.”
    I’m just not a fan of his brand of comedy, which usually relies on embarrassment humor, featuring the main character getting himself into a bunch of embarrassing situations due to his naïve nature or just plain stupidity. Not my cup of tea, as they say.

    So, when I heard Ferrell’s latest movie, “Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga,” was coming to Netflix, I was pretty ambivalent. However, I gave it a shot anyway, and I found myself laughing a lot,. And overall, I enjoyed the movie, although at just over two hours, it could have lost a verse or two.

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