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    Learn the secrets behind two modern holiday classics in Netflix series

    Posted on December 11, 2020


    So, this week we’re doing something a little different. Instead of reviewing a movie, I’m going to talk about a docu-series about movies — specifically holiday movies.

    “The Holiday Movies that Made Us” debuted on Netflix this month with a two episodes, giving a behind-the-scenes look at the making of a pair of modern holiday classics, 2003’s “Elf” and 1993’s “The Nightmare Before Christmas.”

    This is technically the second season of the series, as “The Movies That Made Us,” which debuted on Netflix last year with four episodes looking at “Dirty Dancing,” “Home Alone,” “Ghostbusters” and “Die Hard.” I haven’t seen those episodes, so I’m going to focus on the two new episodes we got this month.

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