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    SHINE looking for volunteers to offer assistance with Medicare

    Posted on July 27, 2022

    The SHINE (Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders) Program is a statewide volunteer program that offers seniors, adults with disabilities and their caregivers with free, unbiased Medicare counseling, information on prescription drugs assistance, and other health insurance matters.

    The SHINE SMP (Senior Medicare Patrol) Program educates beneficiaries on how to protect, detect, and report suspected Medicare fraud, waste and abuse.

    These important programs are currently in need of volunteers to serve the Big Bend region, which includes Taylor County.

    “SHINE volunteers are individuals who are passionate about helping others, are good problem-solvers, communicate well, and have approximately four to five hours to give each week. SHINE volunteers serve the community by educating others on an individual basis and through outreach events. Being a SHINE volunteer provides a needed service to our senior community and the rewards are countless,” organizers said.

    Professional training is provided by the Florida Department of Elder Affairs and the local Area Agency on Aging, Advantage Aging Solutions.

    Once trained, SHINE volunteers can educate Medicare beneficiaries, their families and caregivers to understand their health care options so they can make the best decisions for their individual needs.

    SHINE also educates beneficiaries to protect, detect and report potential errors, fraud and abuse with their Medicare coverage.

    To learn more about the SHINE Program call, 1-800-96-ELDER (800- 963-5337) or visit www. floridashine.org and click the Join Our Team link at the top of the page, and complete online orientation and application.