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    Local ‘stars’ thanked at Chamber banquet

    Posted on February 28, 2024

    The 2024 Perry-Taylor County Chamber of Commerce Banquet was a red carpet awards ceremony, as local and state officials, along with representatives from numerous relief organizations, were thanked for their efforts following Hurricane Idalia last year. Although the 200-plus in attendance were boisterous in their applause as each recipient was named and walked to the front to accept their award, the largest round of applause by far came near the end of the ceremony, when all those in attendance gave a standing ovation to show their appreciation to a group of linemen — from both Duke Energy and Tri-County Electric Cooperative — who worked to restore power in the wake of the storm. The linemen are shown above with Chamber Executive Director Dawn Perez (left), Past Chairman Sandra Parker (center) and current Chairman Danny Collins (right).

    With hundreds of business and community leaders gathered for the 2024 Perry-Taylor County Chamber of Commerce banquet, the annual event served as an opportunity to look back on the challenges the county has faced over the past year and thank those within the community and from around the state and country who stepped up to help in those times of crisis.

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