
Recent Comments


    Legals 5-3-24

    Posted on May 3, 2024

    The Florida Division of Historical Resources has contracted JMT to conduct an architectural survey of historic resources which are over 50 years of age within the legal boundaries of Taylor County. This survey is funded by the Historic Preservation Fund, administered by the National Park Service.
    JMT will host two public meetings to introduce the survey effort and provide an opportunity for public comments, questions, and feedback.
    An in-person meeting will take place on May 7, 2024, at 6 PM EST at the Taylor County Historical Society, 118 East Main Street, Perry, FL.
    A virtual meeting will take place on May 8, 2024, at 7 PM EST, and can be accessed through the following URL:
    Meeting ID: 886 9214 2559
    Passcode: 086923
    Dial in: +1 305 224 1968
    If you are interested in the survey but are not able to participate in the public meetings, you can submit comments or questions or request presentation material from JMT via email at cleggio@jmt.com or (215) 496-4737.

    City of Perry
    Sole Purpose Meeting
    A public meeting will be held by the City of Perry for the sole purpose of providing the public an opportunity to comment on a proposed $200,000 Florida Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) grant application to be submitted to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. The application will request funding for outdoor recreation improvements to Loughridge Park. The meeting will be held in the City Council Room at City Hall located at 224 S. Jefferson Street, Perry, Florida 32347 on Tuesday, May 14, 2024, at 4:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as may be heard. For more information concerning this meeting contact John Hart, City Manager, at 850-584-7161. A FAIR HOUSING/EQUAL/OPPORTUNITY/ HANDICAP ACCESS JURISDICTION

    City of Perry
    The City of Perry is considering applying to the Florida Department of Commerce (the grant agency) for a FFY 2023-2025 Small Cities Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) not to exceed $2.151 million in the Commercial Revitalization grant category. The City will ask the grant agency to fund the application under the Urgent Need National Objective. The funds will be used to meet community development needs of recent origin having a particular urgency because existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community and where other financial resources are not available to meet such needs. In addition, the grant agency will be asked to waive the limit of $700,000 in CDBG funds that the city is allowed to apply for under Section 73C-23.0041 (b) of the CDBG rule. The limit is also reflected in Table G-1 of the CDBG grant application form. If approved, the waiver will allow the City to receive CDBG funds that exceed $700,000.
    The City is currently dealing with economic challenges and property damage due to the closure of the Georgia-Pacific Cellulose Mill and the destruction caused by Hurricane Idalia. Urgent assistance is needed for recovery and rebuilding. The following provides a proposed budget and accomplishments for this project. Also, note that benefit to low- and moderate-income persons (LMI) is not applicable to CDBG projects that are funded under the Urgent Need National Objective.
    Addressed Need: Addressed Need refers to the primary activities to be funded by the CDBG grant. These activities include: 6,256 LF of street repaving with complementary sidewalk and signage improvements to Main Street from US 19 to Center Street and Drew Street from US 19 to Center Street. The estimated construction cost is: $545,000. The project will also include engineering. The estimated engineering fee is $99,000 (the engineering fee will be consistent with the RUS engineering fee curve). Grant administration will also be part of the project. The grant administration fee is estimated at $56,000. (the grant administration fee will not exceed 8% of the grant). The total addressed need grant request is $700,000.
    Unaddressed Need: Unaddressed Need refers to additional project activities that the grant agency may fund after the addressed need activities are accomplished. These activities include 9,041 LF of repaving and complementary signage and sidewalk improvements for the following streets: Green Street from US 19 to Center Street; Washington Street from Ellis Street to Lafayette Street; Faulkner Street from Drew Street to Leon Street; Orange Street from Ellis Street to Lafayette Street; and Quincy Street from Ellis Street to Lafayette Street; In addition, unaddressed need includes 4,220 square yards of parking lot repaving for: 1. Bay St.-Jefferson St. Parking Lot; 2. Drew St.-Jefferson St. Parking Lot; 3. Orange St.-Main St. Parking Lot; and 4. Washington St.-Green St. Parking Lot. The estimated unaddressed need repaving cost is: $1,014,230 for street repaving and $174,483 for parking lot repaving. The engineering fee for unaddressed need is estimated at $202,984. The grant administration fee for unaddressed need is estimated at $59,088. The total unaddressed need request is $1,450,785.
    The City of Perry does not expect that anyone will be displaced as a result of CDBG-funded activities. If any persons are displaced as a result of the planned activities, the City of Perry will assist them as described in the City’s anti-displacement and relocation policy, which is available for review at City Hall.
    A public hearing to provide citizens an opportunity to comment on the application will be held in the City Council Room at City Hall located at 224 S. Jefferson Street, Perry, Florida 32347 on Tuesday, May 14, 2024, at 5:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as may be heard.
    A draft copy of the application will also be available for review during normal business hours in the City Manager’s Office at City Hall by noon on May 7, 2024. Persons wanting to submit written comments on the application should send them to John Hart, City Manager, by e-mail to jhart@cityofperry.net, or by USPS mail to 224 S. Jefferson Street, Perry, Florida 32347 no later than May 10, 2024. Questions and/or comments may also be provided by phone to Mr. Hart at 850-584-7161.
    A copy of the final application will be available for review in the City Manager’s Office at City Hall no later than May 16, 2024. The application will be submitted to the grant agency on or about May 17, 2024. To obtain additional information concerning the application and the public hearing, contact John Hart, City Manager, at 850-584-7161 or by e-mail at jhart@cityofperry.net.
    The public hearing is being conducted in a handicapped accessible location. Pursuant to the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any person requiring special accommodations to participate in the hearing is asked to advise the City at least five days before the hearing by contacting John Hart, City Manager, at 850-584-7161 or by e-mail at jhart@cityofperry.net. If you are hearing or speech impaired, please contact the city using the Florida Relay Service, 1(800) 955-8771 (TDD) or 1(800) 955-8770 (Voice). Any non-English speaking person wishing to attend the public hearing should contact John Hart, City Manager, at 850-584-7161 at least five days prior to the hearing and an interpreter will be provided.

    City of Perry
    Citizen Advisory Task Force/Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting Notice
    The City of Perry will conduct a regular meeting of its Citizen Advisory Task Force (CATF) serving as the City’s Recreation Advisory Committee to discuss proposed Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program grant applications for Gerald Walker (Jerkins) Park and Loughridge Park. The meeting will be held in the City Council Room at City Hall located at 224 S. Jefferson Street, Perry, Florida 32347 on Tuesday, May 14, 2024, at 4:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as may be heard. For more information concerning this meeting contact John Hart, City Manager, at 850-584-7161.