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    Legals 3-12-25

    Posted on March 12, 2025

    PERRY, FLORIDA 32348
    You are invited to bid on a General Contract, including selective demolition and an addition for the existing Millwright lab in Perry, Florida. The addition consists of approximately 3000 sq. ft. All Bids must be on a lump sum basis; segregated Bids will not be accepted.
    All Bidders must possess a state license as a general contractor. The contractor must have 5 years experience with commercial and instructional construction. The contractor must be able to demonstrate in letter form to the School Board of at least two other school related projects and at least 5 previous metal building erection experiences of a similar scope and size. The contractor must have an approved OSHA safety plan for all work and be able to produce the metal finish and weather tightness warranty for all work completed.
    A Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held for General Contractors on March 25, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. EST. at Building A of Big Bend Technical College at 3233 S. Byron Butler Pkwy. Perry, FL 32348
    Taylor County School Board Office will receive bids until 10:30 A.M. EST on Tuesday, April 8, 2025 at the Taylor County School Board Office, 318 N. Clark Street, Perry, FL. Bids received after that time will not be accepted. Bids will be immediately opened publicly and read aloud at 10:35 A. M. of the same day. For Bid documents call DAN ANDERSON at 850-672-0067.

    Allstate Construction, Inc. (CGC1518758), the Construction Manager, will receive sealed bid proposals from pre-qualified subcontractors for Florida Department of Corrections – Hurricane Idalia Roof Repairs multiple locations as listed below:
    PROJECT LOCATIONS: Madison, Mayo, Taylor, Union, Baker, Columbia, Cross City, Franklin, Hamilton, Jefferson, and Suwannee.
    06A – General Carpentry
    07A – Roofing Subcontractor Bid Proposals will be received at various dates according to each project, at Allstate Construction, Inc., 5718 Tower Road, Tallahassee, FL 32303.
    Background checks will be required for any person attending the Pre-bid Site Visit. Form is located on the SmartBid – Plan room Website or contact Ashley Bass.
    All bidders are required to pre-qualify prior to bidding.
    Bid documents are available from Allstate Construction, Inc.
    Phone: 850-514-1004
    Allstate Construction, Inc. reserves the right to waive any irregularities and/or reject any and all Bid Proposals.

    CASE NO: 37 2005 CC 005167 DIVISION:
    CREDIGY RECEIVABLES, INC., Plaintiff, vs.
    PHILIP R. KINSINGER, an individual, Defendant.
    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to WRIT OF EXECUTION issued in The County Court, in the Second Judicial Circuit, in and for Leon County, Florida, on September 26, 2024, in the cause wherein Credigy Receivables INC, is plaintiff, and Philip R. Kinsinger is the defendant, being Case No.37 2005 CC 005167 in said Court, I Wayne Padgett, as Sheriff of Taylor County, Florida, have levied upon all the right, title and interest of the dependent Philip R. Kinsinger in and to the following described personal property, to-wit: 2022 Toyota Tacoma Vin#3TYRX5GN8NT061851.
    Said personal property shall not be viewable to the public until half an hour before scheduled sale time and is only viewable in the presence of Sheriff’s Deputy conducting sale. All bidders must have Driver’s License with them and must register with clerk at location of sale prior to start time of sale.
    I shall offer this property for sale, at 125 E. Park Street Perry, Florida in the County of Taylor and on the 16th day of April, 2025, at the hour of 11 a.m., or as soon thereafter as possible. I will offer for sale all of the said defendant’s, Philip R. Kinsinger’s right, title, and interest in aforesaid personal property at public outcry and will sell the same, subject to all taxes, prior liens, encumbrances and judgments, if any, to the highest and best bidder for CASH IN HAND. The proceeds to be applied as far as may be to the payment of costs and the satisfaction of the above described execution.
    In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the Clerk of Court, telephone (850} 838-3506, no later than seven (7} days prior to the proceeding.
    Dated at Perry, Taylor County, Florida this 4th day of March, 2025.
    Wayne Padgett, as Sheriff Of Taylor County, Florida.
    By: Bill Jones Deputy Sheriff

    TDA 25-002
    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that AVK Real Estate, LLC, the holder of the following certificate, has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number, year of issuance, description of the property and the names in which the property was assessed are as follows:
    Certificate Number 825
    Year of Issuance 2022
    Description of Property:
    Parcel Number: R06830-000
    Described as: LEG 0000.22 ACRES – COM NE COR OF NE ¼ OF NE ¼ RUN – W 622 FT S 1025.5 FT S 77D 18M W – 100 FT TO POB TH S 77D 18M W 100 FT – S 100 FT N 77D 18M E 100 FT N 100 – FT TO POB – OR 437-284 – PR OR 819-166 SECTION 35 TOWNSHIP 07 RANGE 07
    Name in which assessed: Yvonne M. Yaceczko & Lynette Christensen
    Said property being in the County of Taylor, State of Florida.
    Unless such certificate is redeemed according to law, the property described shall be sold to the highest bidder in the Courtroom on the 2nd floor in the Taylor County, FL Courthouse on the 14th day of April 2025, at 11 o’clock a.m.
    ** To participate in the bidding, you must be prepared to pay a NON-REFUNDABLE $200.00 CASH deposit immediately following the sale of each parcel in which you are the highest bidder. **
    Dated this 7th day of March 2025.
    Signature: Gary Knowles
    Clerk of Circuit Court
    Taylor County, Florida

    TDA 25-003
    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that AVK Real Estate, LLC, the holder of the following certificate, has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number, year of issuance, description of the property and the names in which the property was assessed are as follows:
    Certificate Number 1090
    Year of Issuance 2022
    Description of Property:
    Parcel Number: R09480-520
    Described as: LEG 0000.70 ACRES – COM SW COR OF SW ¼ OF NE ¼ E – 660.16 FT S 38.59 FT W 660.05 FT N – 54.15 FT TO POB – OR 558-960 – DC OR 855-588 OR 868- 221 ALSO SEE 868-912 SECTION 23 TOWNSHIP 09 RANGE 09
    Name in which assessed: Lacour E. Parker, III & Claire Benz
    Said property being in the County of Taylor, State of Florida.
    Unless such certificate is redeemed according to law, the property described shall be sold to the highest bidder in the Courtroom on the 2nd floor in the Taylor County, FL Courthouse on the 14th day of April 2025 at 11 o’clock a.m.
    ** To participate in the bidding, you must be prepared to pay a NON-REFUNDABLE $200.00 CASH deposit immediately following the sale of each parcel in which you are the highest bidder. **
    Dated this 7th day of March 2025.
    Signature: Gary Knowles
    Clerk of Circuit Court
    Taylor County, Florida

    Fictitious Name Registration
    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned desiring to engage in business under fictitious name of TLDK Unlimited located at 203 Ivy Ave, in the County of Taylor in the City of Perry, Florida 32348, intends to register the said name with the Division of Corporations of the Florida Department of State, Tallahassee, Florida. Dated at Tallahassee, Florida, this 12th, day of March, 2025. Owner Finesse Press, LLC.