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    Review: Drugs, gangs and geeks combine for a very funny comedy in ‘Dope’

    Posted on July 3, 2015

    2015-07-03-Dope-movie-posterBy MARK VIOLA

    Life in high school is never easy for a geek. Jocks. Embarrassment. Girls. (Boys for the girl geeks out there and vice versa for the gay geeks out there.) If you survive the first three years, you then get to worry about college entrance exams, college applications, scholarships and more.

    But for the geeky main characters of the new comedy “Dope,” living in a crime-ridden neighborhood of Inglewood, Calif., means they also have to face the daily threats of gangs, drugs, apathy and the destructive power of low expectations.

    The result is a unique and original comedy that is quite funny while still containing a solid dramatic core that makes you care about the characters and the situation in which they find themselves. Even better, this is an intelligent comedy unafraid to be smart, and likewise unafraid to simply be funny the rest of the time.

    Featuring an amazing cast, a solid soundtrack and a story that will both make you laugh and stick with you long after you leave the theater, “Dope” is one of the most memorable and powerful comedies I’ve seen in some time. With its strong R-rating (and copious use of the n-word), it’s not for everyone, but this is definitely one to consider.

    “Dope” is a very funny movie and one that will leave you with more than just laughs. This is a comedy that I’m going to remember for a long time.

    The film is rated R for language, drug content, sexuality/nudity, and some violence-all involving teens.

    (This is a shortened version of the full review available in our printed or e-edition papers.)

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