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    Home » 2023 (Page 77)

    Amberjack season to close early this year in federal, state waters

    At its July meeting, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) issued an executive order to close recreational harvest of greater amberjack early this year in state waters of…

    Jerkins splash pad to remain closed for months

    The Jerkins Park splash pad will be closed for several months, as the City of Perry works to repair the restrooms at the facility located on Warner Street.…

    City considering shade covering for Jerkins Park playground equipment

    At the request of Mayor Shirlie Hampton, city staff is pursuing several options to provide a shade covering over playground equipment at Jerkins Park on Warner Avenue.…

    Legals 7-26-23

    NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE:L.H. Thomas, Inc. gives notice that on 8/22/2023 at 2:30 p.m. the following vehicle(s) may be sold by public sale at 125 East Park Street, Perry, Florida…

    Ketring wants council to review Comcast contract

    Citing concerns with a lack of customer service, City Councilman Ward Ketring has asked that the City of Perry review its franchise agreement with local cable and internet provider Comcast…

    Billie Marie Roberts Byrd

    Billie Marie Roberts Byrd, passed away on July 24, 2023, at her home in Perry, Florida. Billie was born April 29, 1929, in McNeil, Ark., to John Tully Crumpler and…

    Francesco ‘Frank’ Guy Barberine

    Francesco “Frank” Guy Barberine, the son of Pietro and Gaetana (Andino) Barberine was born May 27, 1934, in Captina, W. Va., and passed away after a long battle with coronary…

    Classifieds 7-26-23

    Co. budget up $7.9 million

    Once again buoyed by the county’s rising property values, the Taylor County Commission began its budget discussions for the 2023-24 fiscal year with significant surpluses in its two main funds…

    Property values hit a new record high

    Propelled by a local real estate market boom, as well as continued business investment, Taylor County’s property values are poised to set a new record in 2023, with a total…